

Mercedes has complained about Max Verstappn's alleged assault under a safety car and improper procedure at the safety car stage.

Both team complaints Mercedes the commissioners overturned the race, with at Mercedes are convinced that the injustice happened to them mainly in the second case, as they are of the opinion that all racers who are lagging behind the circleand the safety car should say goodbye to the track at the end of the next lap, which in the case of Sunday's race would mean that the racers would actually finish the race below the safety car phase.

In that case, I would Hamilton of course he also won the race. On the other hand, they are at Red Bullu noted that the rules do not explicitly stipulate that all racers overtaken for the lap must return to the same lap. In general, it is in considerable confusion in the rules, as some articles exclude others, and on top of that, the race director can also determine the phase of the safety car at his own discretion.

As he points out Michael Massiis Article 48.12, referring to the race cars overtaken by the lap, refers only to those who are among the first two racers in the race, while recalling that the general agreement of the teams has been for some time that the race does not end behind a safety car if possible .

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