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What is good to KNOW about the 6G NETWORK?

Compared to 5G, the new mobile network system, 6G, which will be commercially available around 2030, is expected to enable significantly higher speeds and shorter delays.

6G is the sixth generation mobile system currently under development for wireless communication technologies It is the successor of the 5G network and according to current results will significantly faster from the latter.

The new technology will enable location- and context-aware digital services and sensory experiences that are real immersive augmented reality (XR) and the ability to project high-quality holograms.

6G is still in development phase and is not available for commercial use. 6G is expected to support communications with a latency of less than one microsecond, use higher frequencies than 5G and providing significantly higher capacity and lower latency.

The 6G network is expected to be available in seven years.

It is expected that they will 6G networks started operating around the year 2030 (or even earlier, first in Asia and other areas that were among the first to deploy 5G). Until then, most telcos will be running trials in the test networks, and phone manufacturers will start announcing 6G-enabled phones.

6G network will go far beyond communications and will serve as a distributed neural network to provide communication links for grouping physical, cyber in biological of the world in the appropriate detected, connected in intelligent whole.

Some key technologies, which will be important for 6G are:

  • uporaba higher frequencies (above 100 GHz) and new data encoding methods to provide higher performance and lower latencies.
  • Exploitation artificial intelligence (AI) in machine learning (ML) to analyze data from various sources (such as satellites, drones, vehicles, etc.) and provide advanced services (such as navigation, security, etc.).
  • uporaba human-centric approaches for the design of 6G networks according to the needs of users and society and the promotion of sustainable development.


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