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Bugatti Tourbillon as a photography star in China

Res je, da to ni najpomembnejša novica v avtomobilskem svetu. Toda ko je tako fascinanten avtomobil, kot je Bugatti Tourbillon, predstavljen v tako spektakularnih krajih, kot sta Hongkong in Šanghaj, se ustvarijo podobe, ob katerih vsakemu ljubitelju avtomobilov hitreje...

DS would like to compete with Bentley and Rolls-Royce

Francoska znamka se želi usmeriti v segment ultra-luksuznih vozil in konkurirati znamkam kot sta Bentley in Rolls-Royce. Pri DS Automobiles, blagovni znamki v lasti Stellantisa, so objavili ambiciozen cilj prodreti v segment ultra luksuznih avtomobilov, v katerem prevladujejo znamke, kot...

Trump halts funding for electric vehicle charging network

The US Federal Highway Administration has halted a program to develop key electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) has halted new projects under the $5 billion National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program, causing uncertainty...