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Hyundai wants to turn feces and plastic waste into hydrogen

Hyundai also announced several other innovations at CES, including the introduction of a new infotainment system with an integrated app store.

As part of its efforts to protect the environment, Hyundai strives to introduction of hydrogen and artificial intelligence, while also trying to make vehicles smarter.

Na CES fair je Hyundai presented a new strategy “Software-defined Everything” (software-defined environment). Her goal is "using advanced software and artificial intelligence to transform all moving devices, fleets and ecosystems into valuable assets".

As part of these efforts, the company announced plans for a new infotainment system with an app store. Speaking of the latter, it is Hyundai mentioned software development kits that will enable people to create "exceptional applications".

Since the app store is kind of passé at the moment, Hyundai will "incorporate its own large language model into its AI assistant and navigation system." This promises a natural and convenient user experience with improved security.

The automaker also said it wants to separate hardware and software to allow for independent updates and improvements. Hyundai also "he predicts that vehicles will evolve into 'machines with artificial intelligence' that are constantly learning." The details are hazy, but the general idea is that vehicles could eventually personalize the user experience, simplify or eliminate tedious tasks, and provide added value to users.

Regarding hydrogen, this fuel will play "a key role in Hyundai's sustainability plan, as it is a clean source of energy". The company anticipates that it will powered not only trucks, buses and cars, but also airplanes, sea vessels, electricity generators and trams.

According to this station Hyundai's HTWO increasingly important and passes into "trade mark of the hydrogen value chain". The company also announced that it is developing “production capacity for megawatt polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers for green hydrogen production expected to be commercialized in the next few years”.

When we talk about hydrogen production, Hyundai focuses on two approaches known as "waste to hydrogen" in "plastic to hydrogen". The latter includes fermentation of organic waste, such as food and animal manure, to produce biogas, which is then processed to capture carbon dioxide and produce hydrogen. Process conversion of plastic to hydrogen is completely different, in which non-recyclable waste plastic is melted, gasified and then converted into hydrogen by removing unnecessary elements.

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